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Complete 529 Management
Never think about your 529 again
- Account management and documentation
- Automated tracking & qualification
We receive the full 529 benefit when you file your state taxes, and an $89 tracking fee
Manual Tracking
- A Simple Expense Tracker for You to Log Your Expenses
- We Store Your Documentation for 3 Years
- We Remind You to Maintain Tracking
We receive the full 529 benefit when you file your state taxes, and a $15 tracking fee
Complete 529 Management
Never think about your 529 again
- Account management and documentation
- Automated tracking & qualification
- Your maximum 529 benefit
or $89 when you receive your tax benefit
Manual Tracking
- A Simple Expense Tracker for You to Log Your Expenses
- We Store Your Documentation for 3 Years
- We Remind You to Maintain Tracking
or $15 when you receive your tax benefit